
  • A Few Days Later...

    Being back at university is ace, all my courses are ones that I chose, so I know I’m going to enjoy them, or at least be interested in them.

    Was also good to see all the Uni bike club guys again. Few new members as well, so our ‘Tour De Edinburgh’ pub crawl this week should be good for the banter!

  • Back to Uni

    First day back at Uni today, was rather unexciting to say the least! Will say more when I have time…..Good to be back though.

  • Massive Re-write!

    Had a massive re-write of my base code today. The most significant change is the reduction in mySQL database queries on the blog page from a maximum possible of 102 to 2! I can’t quite believe my code was this inefficient. WIll be sure to use the power of SQL in future rather than multiple queries with PHP middlework.

    Thanks to Ben for his testing of stuff while I made these changes, and also for testing the swear filter (again!).

  • Snowman Poop

    James and Keri are in Edinburgh to go see Bill Bailey again. While he was here James gave me some presents that his folks, Alan and Fiona, and sister, Catherine had got for me in Canada. Check out the picture:

    Going to make the hot chocolate in a bit, and dip the snowman poop in it, yummy!

  • First Exam

    Had my first August exam today, went really well. I think all the work I did for building this site helped me out on at least the SQL and XML front. Computer Science down, maths tomorrow! Woo! :-/

    Cycled up to the exam today, and cycled back, both times I had large coughing fits upon stopping. Maybe time to go to the doctors I think. Been two weeks off the bike now, but I haven’t had any of last weeks fevers again thankfully

    Downloaded a free open source 3D modeling app today called Blender 3D. Works on WIndows, OS X and Linux, so something for everyone. The 5 minutes I played with it it seems similar to maya in terms of controls. Will play around with it more when I have time, but expect some 3D artwork soon.

  • Something for a Friend

    Made this for Ailsa on request. Don’t all expect one, it’s her birthday soon!

  • New Design (Again)

    Yet again I have changed the design of the site. I have also moved my blog to a separate page to allow for some sort of gallery feature on the front page. I might possible use it for a splash page to show off my blog engine features when I eventually release it.

    Exams this week, so not going to be doing much work on the site, but if you think of anything that could be useful to me, leave a comment below.

    Hope you’re all good.

  • Progress Summary

    So after almost a week of work, I have written about 2000 lines of code, and my features list is getting ever bigger! I’t all getting there though, I’m even posting this entry from the admin area of the site, instead of through phpmyadmin.

    More to come……

  • More Progress

    I now have the RSS feed working, and a few other small pieces of the jigsaw finished.
    To check out what I have changed, take a look at the Version History Page.
    Hopefully there will be slightly more to look at in there as I add details about the admin facilities and gallery features.

  • Now Powered by PHP!

    Finally I have settled on this design, and have begun integrating my content management system into the site. It is very basic at the moment, and the only fully working part is that which displays my blog here.

    I’ll add the possibility for formatting and admin in the next few days.

    As usual my site is fully XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS standards compliant. You can verify this fact by clicking on the appropriate icons in the bottom right hand.

    Thanks for looking.

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