Todays pictures is just for the ‘banter’ as some circles might say. It’s Tim looking sexy as usual.

I finally got my Macbook back, a day short of 5 weeks after I handed it in. Apparently the hard drive had failed (I told them that) and they put a new one in. If I’d spent £60 to buy a new drive online, I could have fitted it myself, and probably have saved the money in gained work time. Suffice to say I am very unimpressed with Apples Warranty turnaround.

Yesterday I agreed to ride the Strathpuffer 24 hour. It’s yet another 24 hour race, but this time in January, and somewhere near Ullapool. It’ll be cold, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy myself.

I’ve already started collecting bits to put on the bike in March. Yesterday I snapped up a bargain, a pair of Avid Juicy Ultimates for only £220. That’s cheaper than I can get them at staff price. I’m loving the $/£ exchange rate at the moment. They’ll sit in their box for a few months, but I’ll be sure to give you some pictures on the meantime.

Job hunting isn’t terribly exciting, and thats before I’ve really got started. Any offers?