My webserver was down for about 20 hours last night and today, this was while I updated it to Fedora Core 5. The update was successful and everything is back online.
I did have a few difficulties though; MySQL wasn’t liking one of the queries I use on my blog, i figured it must be something to do with the new version not dealing with lower and uppercase named columns in the same way. I re-wrote the query and now it works fine. Secondly, every time I logged into this site, it logged me straight back out again! I soon discovered that this was due to the server not being able to save PHP Sessions, as the folder pointed to by the session path didn’t exist! After creating the folder and setting the correct permissions, everything worked fine.
While I was at it, I took the liberty of naming my iBook, my workstation and my server, so as I can log into them without having to remember their individual IP addresses.
For some reason YUM isn’t playing nice with me, so I don’t have GD image resize support at the moment. If any images are missing on any of my pages, it is because of this. I’m working to fix the problem now.
Update 2
Found a workaround for the problem (For those interested, the $releasever variable was returning Null to the .repos files, causing Yum to return errors. Solution was to replace every instance of the variable with a 5 in the repos), which has now allowed me to install GD. All running fine and dandy now.