Yesterday I went to meet the uni guys for the usual wednesday afternoon ride around the Pentlands. Being sensible I didn’t take a jacket, hoping that the sunshine would be out for the rest of the day. Sam turned up with his car, and had 3 free spaces in it heading for Innerleithen. Quick off the mark, Adam, Tim and I jumped in with our bikes and off we went.

So we get to Inners, it’s raining, bah! Sam and Tim went to play on the DH tracks while Adam and I went round the red route XC. Was really good fun despite the driving rain, and Adam’s front brake giving up the ghost. We were soaked from head to foot by the time we got back to the car in a fairly impressive 1hr 28mins.

Was the first day I properly wore my knee warmers, and despite being blue, they keep you really warm and comfortable around the knees (Duh!). Well worth having for those days where it’s not quite warm enough to wear longs.

In the evening we met up with the rest of the bike club, and had a rather healthy pub crawl. The highlight was undoubtedly Sam and Matt downing 9 shots of Tequila in a row! Each! Crazy peoples.

Thanks again to Sam for the lift.